

Shakes are a popular product in the cannabis industry, and they’re often used as a value-added product by dispensaries.

But what exactly is shake? And how can you tell if your weed is surprised? Read on to learn more about this versatile and affordable cannabis product.

Shakes are non-flowering, lower-quality cannabis buds.

The bad news is that a shake is a lower-quality product than a flower. The good news is that you can still get high off it, and it's cheaper.

Shake is not as potent as a flower because there are fewer cannabinoids in the stems and leaves, meaning less THC and CBD available for you to smoke.

In addition to losing potency when burned, shake also loses some potency when it's dried out, so the longer your bud has been sitting around drying up after harvest or curing (the process of removing moisture from freshly harvested cannabis), the less potent it will be once smoked.

Also, unlike buds, shake doesn't have many aromas besides plantlike smells similar to grass clippings or fresh hay—not precisely what you'd call "aromatic."

Finally, while many people enjoy eating their cannabis edibles raw as much as they would eating an apple pie or chocolate chip cookies (without any baking involved), most people don’t consider making shakes into pot brownies worth their time or stomach space.

How to tell if your weed is shake

Shake is the lowest grade of cannabis and is generally not very good for smoking or vaping. It's also not recommended for making edibles or concentrates, though you may find that some people use their leftovers to make "shake hash" or "budder."

Shake will probably have a higher chlorophyll concentration than any other part of the plant, so it has an unmistakable green tint.

It will also be covered in tiny hairs and seeds from harvested leaves along with your flower heads.

As we've discussed, if your cannabis tastes bitter, it's likely to contain too much shake.

How to smoke shake

Shake can be smoked in a joint, pipe, or bong.

Shake can also be smoked in a vaporizer.

You can smoke shake in a blunt too.

A spliff is another excellent way to smoke it.

Finally, if you're feeling especially adventurous (and have access to some bowl), you could try smoking shake through that as well.

Shake is a versatile cannabis product.

Shake is a versatile cannabis product used to make edibles, tinctures, oil, and hash.

It's easy to use the shake as an ingredient in recipes for these products because it's already ground up into small pieces similar to other components (like butter).

Shake is a great value bud that offers more versatility than a flower

It can be used in a lot of ways, including in edibles, concentrates, and tinctures. Shake is a great way to get high or make money from your home.


The shake is the perfect product if you're looking for an affordable way to try out some quality cannabis.

It can be enjoyed in a lot of ways, from smoking or vaping to making edibles with it or adding it to your favorite drinks and meals.

The versatility of this product makes it great for both experienced smokers and those who are just starting. With so many ways to use shake, there's no reason not to try some today.


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